Karen Hisata

Energy Work for Horses, Pets, & People


Integrated Energy + BodyWork to Release, Rebalance, Reharmonize  & ReEnergize. 

Integrated Energy + Body Work describes my practice which has melded Reiki (Usui Reiki Ryogo), Shamanic Healing  (Western Core Shamanic Tradition), and Andean Energy practices (as a Misha Carrier) & for the Horses – Masterson Method Integrated Equine Performance Bodywork.

It also describes what happens within the individual who participates in this powerful process of self-healing; to Integrate is “to form, coordinate, or blend into a functioning or unified whole” and as it relates to the Mind+Body+Spirit condition, the release of energetic blockages and intrusions, the harmonization of energy flow, the infusion of Spirit’s Medicine is powerful indeed!  As a longtime Horse person & founder of the holistic equine store, JUST EQUUS, the Horse connection runs strong for me.  I also work happily with pets and wildlife, and people!

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